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Galleries 2023/24

Educational Visits

Y6 Rotunda Museum Trip

To develop our skills and knowledge that we have been taught in History and Art, Y6 visited the local Rotunda Museum. 

Y5 Scarborough STEM Event

To discover how Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are used in everyday jobs, Y5 attended a STEM event down at Scarborough Spa. 

Y3 Cayton Bay rocks and fossils exploration

As part of our science curriculum, Year 3 visited our local beach to investigate the types of rocks and fossils that can be found there.

Y5 Scarborough College Proms

As part of our Music curriculum, our Y5 children had the chance to perform to over 200 people at Scarborough College playing 2 pieces: Hallelujah and Hall of the Mountain King.

Y5 Keeping Scarborough Tidy Litter pick

For our Cayton Community Passport, Y5 took part in a 'Keeping Scarborough Tidy' litter pick in our local area. The children showed a great appreciation of our local area and showed a great respect for our world. 

EYFS Stephen Joseph Theatre visit

In the EYFS curriculum, we have been focusing on beats and rhythm. We had the opportunity to develop these skills with Ernie from SJT in an African Drumming Session. 

Extra Curricular Clubs

Cookery Club

Every week, children have access to cookery lessons to learn about how to improve healthy lifestyle and cook with seasonal ingredients. 

Golf Club

Y5 and Y6 have the opportunity to attend golf sessions to encourage sports that are not as well-known as others.  

Football Club and Team

Our open access football club has allowed pupils to practice their skills and have fun, leading in to them gaining opportunities to represent the school in competitions. 

Special Events

RNLI Assembly

We had a visit from the RNLI to link to our locality and PSHE water safety curriculum looking at what to do in an emergency. 

© 2021 Cayton Primary School

Please be aware that we are a nut aware school.


Paper copies of all documents are readily available, free of charge, from the school office.

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