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Remote Learning

Anchor 1

From time to time, there may be events beyond our control that could result in the school closure and remote learning may be need to ensure the continuation of learning. 


In these instances, the school will provide learning through our learning platform - Class Dojo. 


Teachers will post work daily with teaching videos and activities that follow the national curriculum and school schemes of work.

If Class Dojo cannot be accessed by parents, there are various ways we can help:

  • We have access to a number of laptops that can be loaned out so that work can be accessed. 

  • We can provide parents/carers with free internet access through BT Hotspots if the internet cannot be accessed. 

  • If the above cannot be achieved or is not suitable, a workpack will be provided on a fortnightly basis and available for collection from the main entrance. Please speak to your child's class teacher to discuss these arrangements to ensure they are suitable and sustainable.


What to expect from remote learning

If you are accessing remote learning, the following lessons will be posted on a daily basis:


· English

· Mathematics

· Topic

· Phonics (EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2)

· Multiplication Task (Year 3 and Year 4)


There will be a minimum of 3 hours work posted for Key Stage 1 children and a minimum of 4 hours learning time for Key Stage 2 children.


Feedback will be provided by the teacher once the work has been uploaded to the child's portfolio. 

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