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Welcome to the EYFS Class page. Your teachers this year will be Mrs Oliver and Ms Forrest. In EYFS, our aim is to provide a warm and caring environment whereby  your child has a love for learning that will continue throughout their education. We will ensure your child has the best start to their learning experience at Cayton School.  We will be giving your child all the skills they will need to be a confident and independent learner, it will be a a time for your child to shine. We plan our activities around your child and ensure they are at the heart of everything we do.  We cannot wait to see what the year ahead brings and we are really looking forward to sharing all these precious moments with you. 

Year overview

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

What are we learning about?

The World Around Us!!

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Welcome to Reception!

Over the course of this half term we will  spend time with your children supporting them to  develop the skills and knowledge they require to reach their full potential. We aim to develop a positive environment for every child where they feel safe and secure. Our class theme for this half term will be 'Terrific Travels." We will continue to foster a love for reading, looking at a variety of books, some traditional tales, fiction and non-fiction.  Over the course of this half term we will be exploring the possible themes Transport, Life Cycles, Castles and Knights. We will use a variety of stories to enhance and develop the children knowledge and understanding. Some of the books will be The Castle the King Built, Oi! Get off our Train and Sam Plants a Sunflower.  Within Early Years we love to use a variety of books to support and develop children’s learning. 


Over the course of this half term the prime areas of learning still play a key role within the children’s learning.  


We will continue to develop their listening and communication skills. Within PSHE the theme for this half term will be changing me and this will cover the following areas. We will be looking at the body and naming body parts,, knowing what foods are healthy, understanding that we grow from babies to adults, expressing and sharing feelings about moving into year 1, sharing any worries but also looking back on reception and talking about our best bits. 


Within literacy this half term we will be acting out a variety of stories using Helicopter stories. We are delighted to be working with the Stephen Joseph Théâtre this half term which will be a great learning opportunity for the children.  We will learn a variety of different poems using poetry basket some examples of these are: A Little Shell and Thunderstorm. The children will continue to develop their phonics knowledge and be able to read most letter groups that each represent one sound and say sounds for them. They will gain fluency in reading simple phrases and sentences made up of words with known letter–sound correspondences and, where necessary, a most common exception words. Within writing the children will continue to build on knowledge of letter sounds to build words in writing. We will encourage and support writing in their play.


The focus for number this half term will be  adding more, taking away, shape, doubling and sharing, we will begin to look at odd and even numbers.  The children will use their knowledge of smaller numbers to support their learning within these areas.  The children will explore this concept in a practical way using different objects. 



Important dates for Summer 2:

We have a very busy half term. I have listed the key dates below:
Tuesday 4th June children return to school
Wednesday 12th June whole school Jay cycling
Thursday 13th June school photographs
Tuesday 18th June library visit
Speedkix are in school Thursday 20th Friday 21st June we will work with them on one of the days.

Celebration Assembly Tuesday 2nd July
Sports day Wednesday 3rd July
Wednesday 10th July whole school Beach day
Tuesday 16th July Woldies Trip
Friday 19th July school closes for Summer.



Wednesday: PE (bags stay in school and are sent home when necessary)

Friday: PE and School Library day


Please can full PE kits be in School the first week back. 


Book bags must be sent into school each day.

Star of the day!!


Each day two children will be chosen to be our Star of the Day. This will be for a child who has tried hard all day and has been helpful and kind to others. At the end of the day their will be a chance to be Star of the Week.


These are motivational awards that the children respond well too. They will receive a special sticker and a small treat.



Children will have the opportunity to cook and bake over this half term. We ask for a voluntary contribution of £2.00 to cover the cost of cooking and other materials that we will need in Reception such as ingredients for playdough.

Topics and Themes:


Autumn 1 - All About Me!

Autumn 2 - Totally Awesome Tales.

Spring 1- Amazing Animals!

Spring 2- People Who Help Us!

Summer 1 -Terrific Travels.

Summer 2 - The World Around Us!


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Tapesty Guides

Please find below the guides for using Tapestry and the link that will take you to the website.

New EYFS Framework. September 2021: A guide for relatives. The 7 areas of learning: A guide for relatives.

Using Tapestry in Reception: A Guide for parents.

Early Years Pedagogical approach


Please find below the guides and information for the Reception Baseline Assessment. 

© 2021 Cayton Primary School

Please be aware that we are a nut aware school.


Paper copies of all documents are readily available, free of charge, from the school office.

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