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Welcome to the Year 2 Class page. Your teachers this year will be Mrs Shehi. In year 2, we will be preparing you for moving into the juniors with all the skills you need.  You will broaden your knowledge of phonics so that you become confident readers and writers.  Your mathematical skills will be developed through the support of concrete apparatus and taking part in problem-solving challenges. Tasks might involve working co-operatively in groups or growing as confident, independent learners.  There will be lots of practical and fun learning activities threaded through our six exciting topics to make your learning memorable.   

What are we learning about?

Year overview

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Class Novel

The Magic Thief-uk.jpg

In a city that runs on a dwindling supply of magic, a young boy is drawn into a life of wizardry and adventure. Conn should have dropped dead the day he picked Nevery's pocket and touched the wizard's locus magicalicus, a stone used to focus magic and work spells. But for some reason he did not. Nevery finds that interesting, and he takes Conn as his apprentice on the provision that the boy find a locus stone of his own. But Conn has little time to search for his stone between wizard lessons and helping Nevery discover who—or what—is stealing the city of Wellmet's magic.

Phonics and Early Reading


© 2021 Cayton Primary School

Please be aware that we are a nut aware school.


Paper copies of all documents are readily available, free of charge, from the school office.

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